Design by Nature Flowers

Wild Thyme ~ Dried Flower Bouquet


The Wild Thyme bouquet is created with thyme, grasses, yellow achillea and seed pods that are dried and can be kept for an everlasting bouquet.

The image shown is of our medium size.

Bouquet Sizes

These are approximate sizes for our bouquets.

Small - Height 50cm, Width 25cm

Medium - Height 55cm, Width 30cm

Large - Height 65cm, Width 35cm

Luxury - Height 65cm, Width 48cm (This has double the amount of flowers of the medium bouquet)

*Please note due to seasonal availability and stock we may need to substitute the dried flowers from time to time. We will choose new beautiful flowers that we will colour match and create in the same style as the bouquet shown.

How will we deliver your bouquet.

We offer FREE shipping on all orders with a 3-5 working day delivery time.

Next day and nominated day shipping is available for £5.00 Please note delivery order cut off is 10am for the next day.

We currently deliver on Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Nationwide deliveries will be sent in our special bouquet box.

Nationwide deliveries will be sent in our special bouquet box. It will be delivered on an overnight courier service and costs £6.50.

How to ensure your dried flowers last forever!

Dried flowers have an amazing shelf life and if cared for correctly will last you a lifetime! The main points of care is to keep them away from a humid environment (i.e bathroom), the moisture can damage the leaves. Keep them away from direct sunlight, this will fade any colour and may cause them fragment more quickly. Finally they do enjoy a little dusting every so often.

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